Yippee! After Adam sent a bunch of pictures and no email, I assumed we wouldn't get an email letter today. Then a couple hours later he finally sent one!
I hope this is okay, Mom, but this week, I'll just let you sort between what you think is appropriate for the blog and what isn't. Sorry to make more work for you.
(Note from Mom: I'm not really editing stuff out this time. Also, I love marking principles while reading things so I'll bold principles or life lessons in Adam's letter.)
OKAY! :D I will try to remember what I wrote down:
So we taught one investigator, Charles, and he was golden and he committed to baptism (it was just a fake investigator, he's now our teacher, he's an awesome guy. His name is Frere Keenan, he actually grew up a few years in Europe, served a missino in Quebec, and he's pretty outgoing, so he's really fun to have for a teacher.) Now we have three new investigators, one of them is Pierre, whom we haven't really met yet, one is Barbara, who is being played by our other teacher, Seour Hawkes, and that first lesson was pretty difficult but we learned the importance of asking questions and inspired questions to get to know people and to keep the lesson engaging. Thanks a bunch Mom for being a good example to me that way! The last investigator is someone we're going to teach for the first time, I forgot her name but she's really nice and she's probably Mormon so it shouldn't be too hard.
The food is still pretty good, it's kind of awesome to eat and not have to make my own food. Pretty sure I'll miss that in a few weeks. Hey and I loved getting that package today!!! Thanks a ton!! We actually just got it but due to some unfortunate events I could only get it today so it was trei bien!
We memorized "Our Purpose" (see PMG chapter 1, first page) in English and French over this past week or so. We're working on the Frist Vision now, so that's good. One of the things they stress here is that study and planning with the Spirit is really, really necessary to teach with the Spirit. In other words, if study is realy distracted and unfruitful, good luck teaching a hard investigator.
It's been super fun to hang out a little bit with some of the French elders. There are probably three or four elders who are from France or nearby islands, native Francophones, and a few others who are from New Caledonia or similar places, islands owned by France. They're native French speakers too. One of them in particular is Heno. He's funny. But you already know about him, haha.
One other cool thing is that we've been to the temple twice now, both of them have been the old original movie. I actually don't think it's that bad. It's kind of cool to go as a missionary.
I love you guys a lot! I'm grateful for the love and support of my family and friends. I've been loving getting lots of mail, too. I feel really bad for my companion, Elder Johnson. The poor guy hasn't been getting a ton. But he's pretty tough about it.
Anyway, what else can I tell you about? Oh, French! Okay, so that is kind of fun and also kind of scary. I really want to ask one of the French elders, he's learning English as we learn French, if he wants to trade reading the Book of Mormon to each other, I thought we could help each other with pronunciation and stuff. I don't know, I thought it'd be a pretty good idea. But anyway, I try to throw in a simple French question every now and then at a French elder. They're nice to help us out. Holy cow though, one of them showed me how fast they actually talk in Paris, it's pretty fast. But it's been good to feel the help and support of God as we pray here for the gift of tongues and receive that help. It's interesting, as we teach lessons, if you focus on the language and not trying to bring the Spirit into the room, you actually get a little tripped up and the lesson goes worse. But it's kind of awkward sometimes. But lots of times, the Spirit will help us think of simpler ways to say things, and somehow our dear teachers (playing investigators) will understand. Haha.
Dad, that's awesome that you're learning French on Duoo Lingo! Haha Mom told me about that trip to Old Navy when you were doing Duo Lingo and you would get mad every time your thumb hit the wrong button. Haha that's awesome! Hey, do you guys want to know the word for angel? It's "ange." You say it "Ah-nge." And they have "An Angel from on High" in the hymnbook in French! So that's cool. Hey and guess what else?
Dad = Pere ("pear")
Mom = Mere ("mere)
Sister = soeur, "sir"
Brother = frere, frair
Child = enfant
Husband = mari
Wife = I don't remember (Note from Mom: that's good Adam...that means you're focused on the right things at the right time!)
Hyrum and Gabe = faithful tax payers (thanks very much for the candy, my dear subjects :D)
Grandpa and grandma = grandpere et grandmere
truth = veritae
without = sins or sans
I'm happy = J'ai heureuse, "Zhay Ay-ruse"
I love you = J'aime vous, mi famille!
Eternal family = famille eternelle
Gospel = Evangile
Church = L'Eglise
Ticklish = hmm, I think heureousillie...
You are a clown = Vous etre un clune
Any questions? = Vous a questions de n'importe pour nous?
I loved hearing about Halloween and all that! Sounded like Ziester was indeed the cute soul I know.
I love you all a lot and wish you a good week!
Shoot, at least a couple more things--oh, I"ve been playing soccer lately for gym time, which is 8:15 to 9:30 for us, so that's been really fun! Oh, and can you please tell Andrea and Tony thanks for the Altras? I don't have their address but I'm grateful to have such high-quality running shoes, I'm actually wearing them right now! And please tell Grandma and Grandpa thanks for the tie rack, it's awesome, saves tons of space! I'm very well taken care of and sometimes I remember how loved I am by my family when I wear the missionary clothes you bought me, Mom and Dad. I think it just kind of floats sometimes in my subconscious, a little gratitude way down in my head. :)
Well I need to go now, I hope that is enough. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
Elder Edwards
(Note from Mom: I'm highlighting this part because it's a mom payday moment...)
Yes! OH and Mom, my branch presidency counselor told me to tell you thanks for reminding me to practice piano every day and stuff, I got to play for sacrament meeting and they were grateful to you. Thanks MOm! I have to go now but I love you! I'll pray for ya tonight!
Yes! OH and Mom, my branch presidency counselor told me to tell you thanks for reminding me to practice piano every day and stuff, I got to play for sacrament meeting and they were grateful to you. Thanks MOm! I have to go now but I love you! I'll pray for ya tonight!
Oh shoot, I forgot to answer these questinos! Thanks so much for writing, Mom! Haha I loved that meme, that was hilarious. Thta's a sweet Tour d'Eiffel shirt! I'm glad you got to have a good birthday! I felt really bad I didn't get a letter to you right on time but hopefully you got the one I sent by now! Nice bike Geeber! Wow and it looks like Gabe needs to join the Army, he looks pretty scary, bet he could intimidate the other side. Unless it's in style. :D Thanks a ton Mom! Yes, I am doing pretty well. It's lots of fun.
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My birthday present in honor of Adam going to serve in Paris. |
1) What is your mission comp's first name and where is he from?
My companion is Elder Johnson, he's a cool guy from Portage Utah. We're a lot the same, he's more outgoing though. It's fun to work together, we're blessed, we get along really well. He's really patient with me, I take a lot of time to do things, so that's really good. Haha we definitely have some funny moments. Yesterday, he said he wouldn't date me if he was a girl. It was pretty funny. Hahaha.
2) If you have time, I'd love to hear what your basic daily routine is like.
Our daily routine is basically this:
Our daily routine is basically this:
6:15 arise, pray, brush teeth, shave
7 breakfast
7:30 start studying in class
8:30 teacher comes and starts teaching us
11:30 lunch
12:15 go back to clsas and study or learn with a teacher (we often teach a lesson or two in the morning and after lunch blocks)
4:30 dinnner
5:15 back to class, study (you divide time between personal study, companionship study, and language study)
8:15 gym time (we may or may not whoop with excitement at this point sometimes)
9:15 gym time is over
9:30 last hour of the day, shower, brush teeth, get ready to sleep, a little bit of spare time
10:15 quiet time, everyone is supposed to be quiet (it's really hard though)
10:30 go to sleep. We're far from perfect at following it, but we're doing pretty well overall.
3) How often do you get to attend the temple?
We get to go to the temple noce a week, which is cool.
4) Can you see pictures I send in emails?
yes, I can see pictures you send. I like them, thanks!
Thanks guys love you! Thanks for the quotes Mom!
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