Elder Edwards

Elder Edwards

Friday, November 28, 2014

Testimony from a Missionary Mom to her Son

Last night in my letter to my MTC missionary son I felt like sharing my testimony with him.  Here it is. 

I want to share my testimony with you. 

I know that God lives and Jesus is the Christ, who atoned for our sins so we can repent and become exalted. I know it. I know that the Holy Ghost helps us very often if we tune into Him – through feelings, thoughts, warning of danger, testifying of truth, reminding us of things we’ve learned, sanctifying us, and guiding our big and small decisions. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s true church on the earth, and that it has the fullness of the gospel, including God’s priesthood power, saving ordinances and temples, living prophets and revelation. We are so very blessed to have the fullness, rather than just some truths. It’s like how much more you can play on that awesome conference center organ with all the keys and stops, than you can on a little mini keyboard. The mini keyboard still plays some music, but not as much and not as powerfully. I know that Jesus Christ will come to earth again, and the most important thing we can do to prepare is come unto Christ and repent. 

I know that families are central to God’s plan and that because of the priesthood power, temples, and Christ’s Atonement, families can be together forever! Which is super de duper awesome!! I know that the family and home are the best places to learn the gospel and develop our character to become more like Christ. I know that a gospel that invites sacrifice of time, talents, and funds is a gospel with the power to help us change into the beings God needs us to become. I know that if we hold fast to what we know in the gospel, any little things we don't understand will make sense later. The old adage is true -- it's best to doubt your doubts and feed your faith, until your doubts are resolved or disappear. 

I know that by studying true doctrine, ESPECIALLY in the Book of Mormon, our attitudes and actions change from the inside out. From my powerful experience last December with reading the Book of Mormon in one month I know that book is true more than I ever have before. And I know that Joseph Smith was right when he said that the Book of Mormon is the truest book on the earth, and living its principles brings you closer to Christ than any other book. 

I know that Jesus Christ leads this Church through giving revelation to living prophets and apostles, and that they are inspired of God for our needs today. If we follow them we will be blessed. Period. I know that our opportunities to serveas a missionary for you, or in other callings like Dad’s bishop-ing or my seminary-ing, are incredible opportunities to bless others AND ourselves. Those callings bring us closer to the Savior, help us stretch, grow, do hard things, study hard, ask for and receive revelation, become less self-centered, and change in wonderful ways. They help us to become like Jesus. Which is what we want. I know that through Christ ALL things, including our challenges, can work together for our good. Challenges are part of the plan, and we can choose to let them make us bitter or better. I also know that Satan is real and he knows our strengths, weaknesses, and life missions. Because he’s real I know that it’s uber important that we put on the armor of God chain mail every single day through power holy habits like:  

connecting prayer (not just saying a prayer)
feasting on scriptures (not just skimming the surface) and words of the prophets 
serving others, which includes missionary work, callings, small acts of kindness and friendship, service projects, helping the poor and needy, and especially serving in our own families 
obeying the commandments, modern prophets, and promptings from the Spirit
using holy music and media, avoiding worldly music and media
in other words – continually filling ourselves with God’s light and pushing away darkness

It’s all true, Adam! I know you already know that. But I just wanted to say it anyway. 

I love, love, love you!! 


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