Elder Edwards

Elder Edwards

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015 Weekly Email :D

Hello my great and wonderful family!

This week, I had some great experiences with my mission. It was cool to feel the Spirit of the Lord and to feel the Lord's hand guiding my work. I love you all and I will briefly share some of this with you. 

First of all, we had a great Zone Conference with President and Sister Babin as well as interviews with both of them this last Wednesday. That went great. It was good to see them and I learned a lot of useful things, from how to get rid of mold in our apartments, how to gain the members' trust, things like that. Lots of useful stuff. I also got the chance to play the piano and I got to play for our district singing for the whole zone, we sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." It was great. I will try and get it sent to you soon. 

Then, the day after, we had a great exchange with Saint Nazaire, a little town in our district (there are only three main cities in our district anyways, them, Nantes, and La Rochelle, which is teeny), that's where our District Leader Elder Barber serves, and I got to talk to him a lot about things I can do to make my mission the best, as far as my relationship with my companion goes. It has really been improving this week, more on that later. 

Friday morning, we came back from St. Nazaire, which was nice because Nantes is much bigger, more crowded, and more busy than the former little town, and it is always good to be home. We got to teach Bobby, our legit investigator who hails from Nigeria, who is a GREAT guy, about baptism and the requirements of baptism and it was really cool because we thought we were teaching about the Plan of Salvation and then he just started off by saying, "So, yeah, you guys, you know I have some questions about baptism," and of course we're always happy to talk about that, so the Lord had really been working on his heart and he basically gave himself the date we had given him as a baptismal date, which was sweet! At first he hadn't accepted it, but we'd tried to help him understand the importance of not waiting too long, and he understood. He's down, he's going to do it, and he's getting ready. The date is set for the end of November. I will probably not be here, but it is okay. He's more important, it's about him. The mission isn't about me at all. That was in general a great lesson, our member young adult friend Simon got to attend too. 

Friday we also got a haircut because all the blasted barber shops are CLOSED on Mondays in France (don't ask me why). but it was a good experience super nice lady. 

Sidenote: lately, I have LOVED studying the New Testament and Jesus the Christ. They help us understand the life of the Savior and also a lot about how to live like Him. We need to read those to understand how to live like Him. also to understand the power of his stories and the parables he taught. Great stuff and I encourgae you all to read them. 

Also, Saturday, I had a thought that I need to get outside myself a little more, recognize the sacrifices that my mission is asking of me, or that the Lord is asking of me, and give those big sacrifices, but give them willingly and be GRATEFUL for the chance to give them. I think that is what will make the biggest positive difference for me in my mission right now. I think it works, it's helped me be a lot happier so yeah! It's good to get outside myself and be less selfish and self centered. I also need to be open to change. :)

I'm working on getting out of the Utah bubble a little bit, just trying to be open to new things and trying not to judge people as much as I normally do, definitely some of my weaknesses. I don't want to be a poster boy Utah Mormon so yeah I'm working on that. Staying good don't worry. Okay love ya have a great week! I love you so much! 

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