Elder Edwards

Elder Edwards

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015 - Adam's letter. Loving new area, three investigators, and miracles!

That's so awesome, Mom! Thanks so much! You're the best and I love you tons!!

Okay that's super cool that you were able to have that experience wtih Kelly, by the way! I want you to know that that's the IDEAL situation ever in missionary work, that a member family befriends someone and brings them into the church, that's the most likely situation for someone to stay active, and I think it's also the most comfortable for the convert, so that's super good. 
Life is really good over here! I'm starting to feel more at peace with what's going on and I love the Lord. I love our members and our ward mission leader, or DMP. wow it's lots of fun and a great privilege to be serving the Lord above. It's hard sometimes, but boy, I bet it's going to be a great feeling of triumph once we are finished and it's done! But also, it's not something to be enjoyed just in the completion; Life, like President Uchtdorf explained, is also a very pleasant journey, and we need to be grateful for it and enjoy it every step of the way.

Please tell Dad I love him SOOO MUUCCHHHH and that I'm so happy he had a good little Father's Day yesterday. I decided not to listen to the tribute, that was super nice of you to think of me, but I think it would just make me too homesick, so I thought it might be better not to. Thank you so much for thinking of me though! You can send me stuff like that, no problem, sometimes I just need to let it go so I can focus and stuff. Love you tons, Mom and Dad! Happy anniversary on Saturday! Love you all tons! I've loved getting more emails from everyone like Malia Austin and Gabe lately! 

Okay I just wanted to say a little about this week. Thanks to lots of help from the Lord and lots of support from you guys, and I think maybe more than anything a the Lord's hand in my life and a gratitude for it, and maybe a bit of an attitude change on my part for my mission, I feel lots happier. I've noticed I'm lots happier when I don't give myself time to question things, but just be happy and busy and work and read and journal and stuff. it's not good to have TOO much time to think. I feel myself growing up and becoming a man, it's realyl good. 

Our amis, Terrence, Serge, and Covalie, are doing so good. Terrence needs a stronger testimony but ça va. it'll come. We have the baptismal date of July 11 for them.

Also miracle story:
we felt guided to go finding in a particular metro stop in a poorer area of town. It was way in the south of Nantes, past the river and stuff. If you know how the Spirit works, sometimes you feel a little directional push in your chest, like "Okay, Elder Edwards, I'm now teling you that you need to go this way, please follow me, go!" We were able to follow the directions of the Spirit, one step at a time, until we were in front of a building that, at first getting off the metro, we were not able to see. By the end of the experience of the couple hours, we had met to and talked to a man who was very kind and was a little interested in what we had to say, though at first he questioned our legitness and asked to see our cards of authority to do proselyting, but not only that, the Lord guided us straight to the apartment building of a refugee Syrian family who has been here in France only in 3 months. They're here to escape the danger in Syria!!! They're Christian, you see. It was dangerous for them over there. And so we've taught the dad, since the mom don't understand much French and maybe aren't too interested, twice, and we've given him a Book of Mormon in Arabic and we are super excited for them. If we could get this family baptized, it would be amazing. We have a rendez=vous or appointment with them Saturday and then the Dad will comme with his wife to church this Sunday . it's a change because they're Orthodox Christians, so they're used to a stricter style of church, but it'll be good if we prepare him well.
Just want you to know teh Lord prepares miracles, our DMP Arthur was FLOORED when he saw how many miracles hafve happened in our ward the past week or two in the missionnary meeting with him. It really is amazing to see hoa the Lord works. And you know what, it's okay that i'm far from you guys, and who needs tons of investigators when we've got three the Lord has alraedy prepared a lot? Plus a really super cool guy who served as a ZL for more than a year of his mission in the Caribbean was just caled yesterdray as a Ward Missionary!!!!!WOOHOOO!!!We've already taught with him before and he's really good. He's an RM of 23 years. So he's really cool. Anyway love you my family! Till next time and God bless! Loved the pictures! Talk to you next time! Never by afraid to send me a letter or email me! I've been loving that! thansk for the fasting and prayers and support! I've needed it! It's really sustained me, even if I've reliedon it a bit much lately. Please know the Lord is with you and the gospel is true. don't even give the devil the time of day to start thinking about doubts toward the gospel. Just get busy serving andh elping and loving the Lord, life is way happier. love you! Till next time!!
Lots of love my family! Happy Father's Day and Happy Anniversary!!


son and brother, Elder Adam Grant Edwards

Thanks so much Dad! I love you so much. You're the greatest. I sent mom the longer email, I hope Father's Day was awesome. You're such a great dad to me, grandpas were too. Thanks so much. Great Anniversary to you. I feel like i'm growing up, becoming more independent, thansk for everything you and the family do for me! Thanks for putting those package together! Talk to you later!!

Holy cow, that's so cool with your little brother! Yeah it's important to share those little experiences in life, the Lord gives those little smile "tender mercy" moments so often, it's so great. I actually had a special moment in sacrament meeting, too, the bishop here has two sons who helped pass the sacrament yesterday, and they were both so small and sweet and carried themselves with so much maturity, and it made me think the bishop must be proud of his sons, and reminded me I bet my dad is proud of me. It was cool.
Just a little experience that reminded me of you yesterday. You're the best dad ever Dad! By the way I finally read all of Pres. Uchtdorf's talk on Grace and his other talk and they helped me tons! I actually understand how obedience to gospel and rules works, by LOVE and GRATITUDE now! So great!! thank you so much fory our wisdom! Sorry I think I might have exaggerated things in previous emails, but it was bad at times. Anyyway lovey ou, things are good, love you tons, talk to you next week:! You're thebest dad, never forget it!

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